Our regular pattern of worship
First Sunday of the month 11am.
From February 2025 this will be a Contemporary service. Everyone is welcome to learn about our church and our faith.
2nd, 3rd and 4th Sundays of the month 11am
This is usually a Holy Communion Service. All welcome
5th Sunday of the month
This is usually a joint Holy Communion service, with St Michael's and St Thomas's congregations, held at one of the churches Everyone welcome.
Please check our weekly newsletter for up-to-date information
St Andrew's Annex
St Andrew's Annex has a dedicated enquiries and booking email:

Can you help St Andrew's
Giving Online
Our Churches, St Michael’s and St Andrew’s, are here to bless the people of our parishes. If we have blessed you or your family in some way, you may have thought about making a donation. For many people, giving by cash or cheque is no longer convenient – but don’t worry, help is at hand!
Just click here, or install a QR code reader on your mobile (it’s very simple), have your credit card handy, scan the code below, follow the online instructions as they appear and that’s it. It only takes a few seconds. Thank you very much for thinking of us and God bless you!
If you would prefer to make a bank transfer our bank details are:
Wraysbury Parochial Church Council (Wraysbury PCC)
Sort code 20-81-11, Account 40989746

Let's talk
St Andrews Wraysbury
The Rev. Colin Gibson,
The Vicarage, 55 Welley Road, Wraysbury, TW19 5ER
Enquiries: 01784 481258
Email: Vicar.HortonAndWraysbury@Gmail.com
or Secretary.HortonAndWraysbury@Gmail.com
Other points of Contact
Beryl Walters: (01784 482092)
Mike Miller: (01784 558972)
Tony Hermes (01784 558572)

About us
We are a local church whose mission is to is to spread the good news of Jesus Christ and to increase the Christian family through our prayers, our worship and our God-centred lives.
We, like most churches, are made up of a wide variety of people of all ages and experiences of life. Some of us have had a lifelong relationship with Christ, some of us are exploring the foothills, all of us are travelling on the journey of faith.
"What really fires me up in ministry is when I see people's relationship with God come alive as they go deeper with Jesus. Jesus said, 'I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full'."
2pm St Andrew's Cafe
7.30pm Bell Ringing Practice
11am Service
St Andrew’s Church is committed to the safety and wellbeing of all children, young people and vulnerable adults who fall within our care. A copy of our Safeguarding Policy may be viewed here
If you have any concerns at all about the welfare of children or vulnerable adults you can contact our Parish Safeguarding Officer: Heather Hermes on 01784 391417 email: HermesHev57@gmail.com
Alternatively you can contact the Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser: Tsungai Muchegwa,
Mobile: 07435 550685, Office Tel:01865 208295 (Main office) Email: Tsungai.Muchegwa@oxford.anglican.org or
SafeguardingReferrals@oxford.anglican.org or the Local Authority Social Services team on 01628 683150
There are a range of groups who meet informally over the course of the week: Please use the contact form or email Office@CHWChurches.org for more details