St Andrew's Parochial Church Council (PCC)
The PCC is responsible for the financial affairs of the church, and the care and maintenance of the church fabric and its contents, including demanding chancel repair liability from local inhabitants. These latter responsibilities are executed by churchwardens or other volunteers.
The PCC meets every few months and holds an Annual Parochial Church Meeting every year, usually in April but in October for 2020 and June in 2021 due to COVID19.
St Andrew's Policies (please click on the policy you require)
Annual Parish Meetings
Documents from previous Annual meetings are available by clicking on the relevant year below
PCC Nomination forms
C2: Nomination for church warden: you can nominate yourself or someone else if they are willing. Information about the responsibilities of being a Church Warden is in this document
D2: Nomination for election to the Deanery Synod: you can nominate yourself or someone else if they are willing.
E2: (printable version) Application for enrollment on the Church Electoral Roll
E2: (online versions) Application for enrollment for the Church Electoral Roll
M3: Nomination for election to the Parochial Church Council: you can nominate yourself or someone else if they are willing.
All forms to be returned either electronically to or to St Andrew's Church, St Andrew's Close, Windsor Rd, Wraysbury TW19 5DG for the attention of St Andrew's PCC Secretary